
Module 1: Cloud concepts

1. Cloud Characteristics
  • High Availability: 少downtime
  • Scalability
    • Vertical Scaling (up/down) 可加減cpu, ram, disk
    • Horizontal Scaling (in/out) 可加減vm數量
  • Elasticity: 實時按使用調節資源
  • Agility: 可立即加設備, 而On-Premise要等數日
  • Fault Tolerance: 壞電壞碟唔驚
  • Disaster Recovery: 一邊地震, 還有另一邊沒事
2. Principle of economies of scale: 如團購, cloud愈大愈平
3. CapEx vs OpEx
  • CapEx, Capital Expenditure, On-Premise企業做project比大量錢買大機
  • OpEx, Operational Expenditure, Cloud, 用幾多比幾多
4. Consumption-based Model, 你用乜(vm, storage, app), 用幾多比幾多
5. IaaS vs PaaS vs SaaS cloud service models
Applications [Data, Apps]OwnOwnOwnMS
Runtime [IIS, Docker]OwnOwnMSMS
Middleware [Software]OwnOwnMSMS
OS [Windows, Linux]OwnOwnMSMS
Virtualization [VM]OwnMSMSMS
Servers [Mem, CPU]OwnMSMSMS
Network [Router, Switch, Internet]OwnMSMSMS
Usage自己起VM自己起AI, business analytic, SQL, APP service只用而不起 One drive, Outlook, SKYPE
6. Public, Private & Hybrid cloud deployment models
  • Public Cloud: AWS, Azure, GCP
  • Private Cloud: On-Premise
  • Hybrid Cloud: Both

Module 2: Core Azure services

7. Geographies, Regions & Availability Zones
  • Data Centre
  • Availability Zones
    • 同一Region內, 不同DC互連
    • 最少3個DC
    • Zonal Services 客人可揀3個DC中用其中2個作HA
    • Zone-redundant 客人可揀不同Zone
  • Regions: 國家, 內有很多DC
  • Region Pairs, 只一孖Region做HA, MS定實了
  • Geographies, 如Americas, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa

8. Resources, Resource Groups & Azure Resource Manager
  • Resource Manager
    • 可連AD
    • 目的去管理SQL/WEB/VM
    • Azure Resource Manager template 如Blueprint
  • Resource (Service明細清單)
    • 買了服務, Resource便跟隨, 取消服務Resource便消失
    • 即是json config檔 (Type, ApiVersion, Name, Location)
  • Resource Groups
    • 可以是一堆SQL/WEB為一group
    • 可以是一套SQL+WEB+VM+Storage為一group
    • 可以是以PROD/DEV 分group
9. Compute Services | VMs, VM Scale Set, App Service, Functions, ACI, AKS
  • VMs, laaS
  • VM Scale Sets, laaS, 一堆VMs在load-balance
  • Azure Container Instances (ACI), PaaS
    • 如VM, 但沒自己OS, 用host OS
    • 比VM細, 可裝APP, 好方便
  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
    • 如container, 生一個個node, 一個node裝一個container, 可做loadbalancer
  • App Services, PaaS
    • Developer整一個WEB APP/ WEB SERVICE 的 Package / 整個container, 放入APP Service生成多個APP node給user用
  • Functions, PaaS
    • 同APP Service一樣, 但只行一段function
10. Networking Services
  • Virtual Network
    • 在Virtual Network內的VM可有subnet
    • Virtual Network之間要用VNET PEERING或VPN Gateway打通
    • Subnet可做network filtering 如(Network/Application Security Groups)
Azure Virtual Network

  • VPN Gateway
    • 可打通Virtual Network及 On-Premises
  • Load Balancer
    • 在VM之間做Load Balancer
  • Application Gateway
    • 如果只提供WEB TRAFFIC(HTTP), 可由Load Balancer改用APP Gateway
  • Content Delivery Network
    • 正在Web放在APP Service再放在一個DC, 太遠的國家上Web時要load大量JS, Images, CSS, html
    • CDN幫你分配App Service去不同國家, user連最近的POP就好
11. Azure Storage Services
  • Blob storage, Binary Large Object
    • 專處理Unstructured data (PNG, MOV, EXE, TXT)
    • 一個又一個container裝Blobs, Blob storage裝這些container
      • Tiers (Hot, Cool, Archive)
  • File storage
    • 如Blob, 一個又一個share裝files, File storage裝這些share
  • Table storage
    • 儲一堆Semi-Structure data table (NoSQL)
  • Queue storage
    • 儲小data (messages)
    • Run in Background
    • 預給scalable asynchronous processing
  • Disk storage
    • 可整share drive, mount上local PC
    • Unmanaged: 客人自己manage, BLOB 內放 vHD
    • Managed: MS幫你管理, Disk內放Data
12. Database Services
  • Cosmos DB
    • Semi-structured (NoSQL)
    • Geo distribution
    • 和Table DB一樣, 但取名不同
  • SQL Database, PaaS/DBaaS
    • Structure
    • SQL Server
      • SQL Database (Database)
      • Power BI (Reporting Services SSRS)
      • Data Factory (Integration Services SSIS), 可起pipeline去copy data
      • Analysis Services (Analysis Services SSAS)
  • Database for MySQL, Open Source
  • Database for PostgreSQL, Open Source
  • SQL Managed Instance, PaaS
    • Fully Fledged SQL Server
  • SQL Data Warehouse, PaaS (Synapse), Big Data, 可visualized by MS Power BI
  • SQL on VM, IaaS
13. Azure Marketplace
  • Commercial Marketplace
    • Microsoft App Source
      • Azure
      • Power BI
      • Dynamics 365
      • Microsoft 365
    • Azure Marketplace
      • Azure
14. Azure IoT Services
  • IoT Hub, PaaS
    • 可連一堆物件
    • 做Insights
    • Monitoring
    • APPS
    • Used by developer
    • Bi-directional communication between IoT device and cloud
  • IoT Central (SaaS)
    • IoT Hub加強版
    • 可連一堆物件
    • APPS
    • Industry specific templates
  • Azure Sphere
    • Set of component
    • MS提供MCUs chips給洗衣機
    • Azure Sphere Security Service管理chips
15. Azure Big Data & Analytics Services



  • Azure Synapse Analytics, PaaS, Datawarehouse 進化
    • Studio
      • Synapse Pipelines
        • Developer 入Data
      • Apache Spark
        • Analytics and transformation Big Data
      • Synapse SQL
        • 可SQL Query 儲Data
    • Azure Data Lake Storage GEN2, 可儲不常用的data, 可visualized by MS Power BI
  • Azure HDInsight
    • Big Data Clusters
      • Provide Open-Source BigData Technology
        • Hive, Spark, Storm, HBASE, Kafka, Hadoop, Machine Learning
  • Azure Databricks (PaaS)
    • 像HDInsight
    • Spark
      • Data transformation
      • Collaboration Platform, 可在內起notebook處理sql bigdata
16. Azure Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Azure Machine Learning Service (PaaS)
    • Notebook with Python, R
    • Designer, drag and drop the flow
    • Compute
    • Auto ML, score the best data
    • Pipelines 一tool包以上所有功能
  • Azure Machine Learning Studio
    • Web portal for end-2-end development
    • Manage Machine Learning Workspace with web portal interface
  • Machine Learning Workspace
    • Top-level Azure resource for management of Azure Machine Learning
17. Azure Serverless Computing Services
  • Azure Functions
    • 只出一個coding function服務
  • Logic Apps (PaaS)
    • Workflow, if yes to A, no to B, Loop, 可send email
  • Event Grid (routing)
    • Blob, Azure, Event hubs, custom, 發topics event 去 Event grid
    • 然後發Subscribers去Function, Logic apps, Webhooks, Queue Storage
18. Azure Serverless Computing Services

Azure DevOps (前身TFS/VSTS)

Development and Operations, shorter development life cycle by providing continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD)

  • Boards
    • 可track work, progress across team members, work status
  • Pepos
    • 可儲code及version control
  • Pipelines
    • Automate code, build, deploy to multiple environment (CI/CD)
  • Artifacts (software)
    • Create host and share packages, software如7-zip
  • Test Plans
    • Track testing progress
  • Azure DevTest Labs (PaaS)
    • Sandbox, 比Developers tester去起vm去試不同環境
19. Azure Tools
  • Portal, Web-based interface
  • PowerShell, Teminal
  • CLI, 可用Python
  • Cloud Shell, 唔洗用自己電腦
20. Azure Advisor

起SQL, WEB, VM時, Advisor提供best practice.

  • 建議包括
    • Cost
    • Performance
    • Reliability
    • Security
    • Operational Excellence

Module 3: Security, Privacy, Compliance, and Trust

21. Azure Security Groups


  • Network Security Groups (NSG)
    • 在Subnet上set ACL
  • Application Security Groups (ASG), 用在NSG rule內
    • 在Web/APP/DB 組上set ACL
22. User-defined Routes (UDR) with Route Tables

NVA, Network Virtual Appliance, Firewall

一般VM 有齊所有internal, default route, 但可用user defined routes去改route

23. Azure Firewall (PaaS, support FQDN)
24. Azure DDoS Protection
  • Two tiers
    • Basic 版預設有
    • Standard版可monitor加緩和DDoS
25. Azure Identity Services
  • Identity management
    • 可以是人with password
    • 可以是app/servers with secret keys or certifications
  • Access management
    • Authentication & authorization
      • 授權給某某進入
  • Azure Active Directory
26. Azure Security Center
  • Scan
    • SQL, WEB, VM
    • 提供recommendation
    • 可在On-premise裝
    • 提供advisor
    • Two tiers
      • Azure Defender OFF
        • Actionable security recommendations
      • Azure Defender ON
        • Hybrid security, threat protection alerts, vulnerability scanning, Just-in-time (JIT) VM access
27. Azure Key Vault
  • 存VM Keys, 防止別人拿走VM disk decrypt data
  • 存Secrets (ip, username, pw)
  • 存Certs
  • Access policies
    • 邊d server用邊d keys, secrets, certs
28. Azure Role-based Access Control (RBAC)

Role Assignment 就是設定以下3項, what actions to Who to Where?


Role definition 是一堆Actions

[what can be done]


Security Principals, 如user/service principal/managed identity (Security Principal), 可被分配Role

[Who can do it]


把role放入不同Scope, 如subscription/Resource Group/Resource tree

29. Azure Resource Locks
  • User 有Owner role可delete VM
    • 可上lock防止delete VM
    • 可以Lock Scopes
30. Azure Resource Tags, 在每組Resource Group/ Resource 加tag
31. Azure Policy

Role-based Access Control (RBAC) 控制user可做什麼

Policy則控制Azure resource properties, 睇你咩國家/web or app/ SKU? 可防止你在某國家data centre起vm

  • Effect
    • Deny
    • Audit 照行, 但提你not compliant
    • Append, Admin 可在事件實行之前改
    • Modify, Admin 可在事件實行之前改

Initiative = A group of policies

32. Azure Blueprints

每次都開同一樣Resource group, role assignment, resources, policy assignments太麻煩, 不如儲在Blueprint, 方便日後即起。

33. Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure 教你點由on-premise搬去cloud
  • Strategy (了解點解要上cloud)
    • Motivation (Why move?)
      • Migration
        • 想慳On-premise成本?
        • 想減少On-premise複雜性?
        • 想減少Operation成本?
        • 想加強起機敏捷度?
      • Innovation
        • 想全球性?
        • 想客戶有良好體驗?
        • 想轉營或加強競爭力?
    • Business Outcome (What to measure?) 用什麼指標去量度轉雲是成功?
      • Revenue
      • Profit
      • Cost
      • Global access
      • New markets
    • Business Justification 商業理由 (What is my return of investment?)
      • 起一個financial model來支持Motivation及Business Outcome, 利用以下工具
      • Azure TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) Calculator 比較自己On-premise 及 在cloud成本
      • Azure Pricing Calculator 計算預計在cloud用幾多錢
      • Azure Cost Management 用cloud後一直監測成本
    • First Project 搵個輕鬆的project搬上cloud體驗一下先
      • Business Criteria 現在運行中, 有特定owner, 有搬雲意願
      • Technical Criteria 運行中,但對自己on-premise中沒高度dependence
  • Plan (根據現行On-premise環境, 揀個搬雲plan)
    • Digital Estate (Inventory of assets)
      • Rehost 直接搬現有on-premise去IaaS VM
      • Refactor 改少少code就可以搬現有on-premise去IaaS VM
      • Rearchitect 因不相容, 要大改code才可以搬現有on-premise去IaaS VM
      • Rebuild 在cloud重起算
      • Replace 睇下cloud有乜現有的, 可改用, 同email轉用outlook
    • Initial Organization Alignment 和不同team一起夾
    • Skills Readiness Plan 各人員向公司報自己skillset, 因cloud都有不同範疇
    • Cloud Adoption Plan 綜合以上3項
  • Ready (準備一下)
    • Azure Setup Guide ,睇guide
    • Azure Landing Zone 準備一下Code base, 方便之後redeploy
    • Extend Landing Zone
    • Best Practices, 望回Landing zone, 要有best practices, 日後難改
  • Adopt (上雲了, 想migrate定創新)
    • Migrate
      • First migration (small Project)
      • Migration Scenarios (搬不同類別方法都不同VM, APP, DB, Other)
      • Best Practices
      • Process Improvements
    • Innovation
      • Business Value Consensus, 客戶需要和Cloud的策略要一致
      • Innovation Guide 睇cloud有咩工具可成為mvp, 最小可行產品
      • Best Practices
      • Process Improvements
  • Governance (Comply, security standard) and Maintenance (Operations)
34. Core tenets of Security, Privacy, Compliance
  • Documents & Websites
    • Microsoft Privacy Statement, 個人資料收集用途
    • Online Services Terms (OST), 法律條文, 叫公司機構用bing map/office時遵守
    • Data Protection Addendum (DPA) (Amendment), 如何保護你及你客戶資料
    • Trust Centre, 一站式網站, 提你Security, Compliance, Privacy, Policies, Practices
    • Azure compliance documentation, 和Trust Center一樣, 但專講Azure
  • Azure Sovereign Regions
    • Azure Government cloud service, separated lifecycle and security requirement, 如美國國防部用的Azure
    • Azure China cloud services, 在中國要行雲, 一定要在中國register的公司, 而且外國股份少於50%, operated by 中國的21VIANET

Module 4: Azure cost management and Service Level Agreements

35. Cost Affecting Factors
  • Resource types
    • VM(CPU,RAM,Uptime)
    • SQL(Storage)
    • Functions(Executions)
  • Services
    • WEB DIRECT (Visual Studio, Azure Free)
    • Enterprise形式合作
    • Cloud Solution Provider形式
  • Locations
  • Ingress and egress traffic
    • Bandwidth 進入Azure免費, 流出Azure收費
36. Cost Reduction Methods
  • Reservations
    • 一年/三年Plan
    • Pay as you go 貴
  • Spot pricing, 你平常VM無用緊的resource, 給MS借來用, 會有折
  • Hybrid use benefit, Windows VM會收埋Windows license費, 如你已有Windows license, 可減去費用
38. SLA and Composite SLA in Azure
  • A promise of service’s availability (uptime & connectivity)
  • Composite SLA, 所有SLA加埋
  • Different service tiers都有影響
    • SKUs (Standard, Premium, Business Critical)
39. Service Lifecycle in Azure
  • Development, MS起埸
  • Public Preview, MS公測SQL/APP
  • General Availability, SQL/APP 上線

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