English about ‘Time’

2:00 – two o’clock
2:05 – five past two/ two O five
2:10 – ten past two/ two ten/ ten after ten
2:15 – quarter past two/ two fifteen
2:20 – twenty past two/ two twenty
2:25 – twenty-five past two/ two twenty-five
2:30 – half past two, two thirty
2:35 – twenty-five to three/ two thirty-five
2:40 – twenty to three/ two forty
2:45 – quarter to three/ two forty-five
2:50 – ten to three/ two fifty
2:55 – five to three/ two fifty-five
6:00 – at six/ six a.m./ six p.m.
12:00 – noon/mid-night
15:00 – three o’clock
21:00 – twenty-one hundred

Dawn – around日出
Early morning – 日出前2小時至早上7點
late morning – 10am-12am
noon – 12pm
early afternoon – 12pm-3pm
late afternoon – 4pm-6pm
dusk – 黃昏
Early Evening – 5pm-7pm
Late Evening – 8pm-10pm
Midnight – 12am
night – 10pm-日出
middle of the night

It’s a ways off. 很遠的將來
It’s a long ways off. 很遠的將來
It was a while ago. 之前
It was a while back. 之前
Wow, that month went by fast. 那個月過得很快
Wow where did the time go? 那段日子太快了
It seems like just yesterday.
time flies!
to have all the time in the world. 有超多時間用
I have time to kill. 有幾個鐘無野做, 但因等人, 而不能做其他事, 如接機

I am pressed for time. 趕時間
Let’s get going. I don’t have all the time in the world. 我無太多時間等你

in the blink of an eye 剎那間
I will be back in a flash. 好快回
They did it in no time/in no time flat 做事情很快

Every once in a while, we take the kids out for ice cream. 偶然一次(每月一次)
From time to time, we leave the kids at home. 偶然一次(每三個月一次)
Once in a blue moon, we go out to see a movie. 偶然一次(一年一次)

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