Speaking II


I ain’t going to the concert. [am not]

She ain’t angry at me, is she? [is not]

He ain’t got a car. [doesn’t have]

I ain’t been to Estonia. [haven’t]

I ain’t done nothing. [I haven’t done anything] [Double negative = negative in slang]

Well…least he ain’t asked you to hide a gun or something.


I don’t want to bother you.

Council Estate kid 公屋仔

Proper council estate kid, me.

don’t forget

don’t forget there’ll now be students from all school years in your new form groups.

drag away 帶走

We, uh, we couldn’t drag Peggy away from Uncle Zack’s story time. Her and Albie are besotted with him, but she’s ready to pick up whenever you are.

dust down 除去

When my daughter finally dusts herself down from the pain you two caused, then I’ll let it go.


You’re the clientele he needs to launch his new cocktail to a worldwide audience.

slip through the cracks 被遺忘

I slipped through the cracks in the system.

went out of her way 出盡力專登幫你

She went out of her way to inspire me.

What’s exactly on the card for…anyway?

Steady on, lads. What’s exactly on the card for this epic stag night anyway? Never you mind.

you can get

Amazing the different flavours of chip fat you can get these days. It’s a bit rude. Did I say that out loud?

got to

I’ve got to go. I’m late for something but we’ll catch a cup of tea soon, yeah?

I’ve got to say, it’s nice to spend time with you away from the books.

You know what you got to do.

got lost

Blimey! I thought you’d got lost in there. 哇靠

getting to know 慢慢去了解

That’s One of the advantages of home tutoring is getting to know the family.

get in my head 讓人了解我

I just let people get in my head.


So I apologize if I don’t cover the region of England that you are specifically hoping to learn the accent of.

Just thought

Just thought I’d pop back and see some old mates.

massive pain in the butt
mess around

You mess my granddaughter around and you’ll be sorry.

must have

Well, the bank transfer must have failed or something.

Lil must’ve nicked mine, so I had to borrow some spritz. 她一定是偷了我的, 所以我借了其他來噴噴。


Right, well, I am gonna get her back to Sonia’s.

You going to tell her you gave me her wedding money and all?

Nanny going to get you that cuddly toy you wanted?

fall apart..崩潰

That’s why I fell apart in court.

I mean, when you think about it, …

I mean, when you think about it, the gulf between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat is not something that everybody takes…

I read online…it helps…

I read online that pregnant women should grate dark chocolate on granola. It helps their blood flow for the baby, apparently.

I wonder what …’s into. 對什麼有興趣

I wonder what little Peggy’s into.

Takes after her dad 似模似樣

She ate all her dinner and a bit of Albie’s. Takes after her dad.

That just proves why…has had it in

All right. That just proves why he’s had it in for Theo. 對Theo起扛

There you go 噢你都知

Don’t worry, just do what I used to do. Just mix up mayo and ketchup…Mayo and Ketchup! There you go. Cheap and tasty!

To listen to

so she’s a good person to listen to


To take my advice – keep Peggy close. Don’t make the same mistake Mark did.

Can I ask your advice?

Sight Sore Eyes

You’re a sight for sore eyes!

Up to 11

You’ve only known me when the dial’s turned up to 11.

現在式 is/am/are

It’s all hands on deck when the family empire spans so many industries. Whatever, waitress.

現在進行式 ing

You’re letting him see her after everything you said.

And now he’s hanging around like a fart in a lift, and it just doesn’t feel right, you know?

So…I’m working for a gun-toting gangster and living with an attempted murderer?

Reiss is doing a great job at the Arches.

You’re always moaning about the state of the boxing gym books.

過去式 did

Did you order the seafood sauce for the fish finger baps? No, damn, no. I forgot.

But then empathy was never really your strong point, was it, Philip?

Anyone’d think you didn’t want to answer my question.

過去進行式 ing

I was thinking maybe he could take over your other accounts.

將來式 will

Oh, will you just check over Arthur’s jungle project to make sure he hasn’t drawn any willies on the warthogs?

But she’ll make promises and then flake out.

I will never be able to make things better with Louise 無奈不能再對她好

I’ll get it you tomorrow, darling. All right? I promise, I will.

將來式配現在進行 will ~ +ing

Oh, I’ll have a sarnie, if you’re making one.

將來式配現在完成 will ~ have +pp

You’ll have to apologise to Kathy after we have had our epic stag night, baby!

現在完成式 have +pp

They’ve given our date away.

Look, I’ve been told to back off.

Ravi got you fetching and carrying now, has he? 搵你做僕人

現在進行完成式 have been+ ing (一直)

Yeah, I’ve been fighting the man of Walford for years. Don’t you worry.

過去完成式 had +pp

I had my heart set on it.

I wish I’d had a teacher like you.


Anything could happen.

I could murder a drink.


Well, you’d like that, wouldn’t you?


What are you doing here?

What have we got there, then?


Where do you reckon she’s got to?


Why are they being so shifty?


How would I go about that?


Do you remember back in the day when you’d spend hours getting yourself tarted up, and now it’s just a wet wipe and a chewie?


We don’t usually see you in here at lunch time.


you can put the knife down, unless you’re planning on buttering him to death.


So you’re going to help me? Yeah?


You look beautiful.

You are wonderful.

You are a prince amongst men.

That’d be lovely. Good luck!


How you getting on?


I’m mortified that I confused the boundaries. 極度羞恥

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