
  • Simple Sentences
    • Intransitive Verbs (S+V)
      • Rabbit sleeps.
    • Mono-Transitive Verbs (S+V+O)
      • Rabbit likes you.
    • Di-Transitive Verbs (S+V+direct O+indirect O)
      • Rabbit teaches you English.
    • Complex-Transitive Verbs (S+V+O+O_complement(賓語補語))
      • Rabbit considers you smart.
    • Linking Verbs (S+V+S_complement(主語補語/ predicative表語))
      • Rabbit is tall.
      • Rabbit looks tall.
      • Rabbit smells nice.
  • 句子成份 – Part of Speech
    • S
    • V (Tense + Mood), 助動詞(提供被動,可能性,否定), 非謂語動詞(可取代V以外)
    • O
    • complement(O)
    • complement(S)
    • Attributive定語
      • The little white rabbit ate a large carrot.
    • Adverbial 狀語
      • The rabbit ate quickly.
    • Appositive 同位語
      • Rabbit, an English teacher, eats a carrot.
  • Simple Sentence & Compound Sentence& Complex Sentence
    • 名詞性從句 (主語, 賓語, 表語, 同位語), 形容詞/定語/關係從句, 狀語從句 [句子充當某句子成份]
  • 詞類
    • Nouns, Articles, Pronouns, Adjectives, Numerals, Adverbs, Prepositions, Interjections, Conjunctions, Verbs


  • Past (以前)
    • continuous
    • pp (著重之前完成事件, 不需知事件開始時間, 一早就)
      • I had eaten 5 carrots for lunch yesterday, so I wasn’t hungry at all yesterday afternoon.
      • He tried to find me yesterday afternoon, but I had already gone to Shanghai.
    • pp & continuous (完成而一直)
    • simple (時態都沒說明, 一般, 事實, 習慣, 預計發生的事實)
      • 只是動作發生了, 其他資料不知
      • I played basketball. (不代表習慣, 習慣要用used to)
  • Past Future
    • continuous
      • I said I would be eating a carrot at 1PM tomorrow. (之前說過我正在吃)
    • pp (著重之前完成事件, 不需知事件開始時間, 一早就)
      • I said I would have eaten a carrot by 1PM tomorrow. (之前說過我吃掉了)
    • pp & continuous (完成而一直)
      • I said I would have been eating lunch for 2 hours by 1PM. (之前說過我吃掉了,還一直吃)
    • simple (時態都沒說明, 一般, 事實, 習慣, 預計發生的事實)
      • I said I would eat a carrot for lunch. (之前說過我會)
      • I said I was going to eat a carrot for lunch.
      • I knew you would watch my video. (之前知道你會)
      • I knew you were going to watch my video.
  • Present
    • continuous
    • pp (著重之前完成事件, 不需知事件開始時間, 一早就)
      • I have eaten carrots. (我一早就吃過了蘿白)
    • pp & continuous (完成而一直)
      • The rabbit has been eating a carrot. (吃過了很多蘿白,還要再吃)
    • simple (時態都沒說明, 一般, 事實, 習慣, 預計發生的事實)
      • I eat carrots. (事實, carrot+s: 氾指)
      • The sun rises in the east. (事實)
      • I play basketball. (習慣)
      • The bus leaves at 8PM tonight. (預計發生的事實)
  • Present Future
    • continuous (gif)
    • pp (著重之前完成事件, 不需知事件開始時間, 到時已經)
      • I will have finished making the video by 4PM tomorrow, so I can publish it after that.
    • pp & continuous (完成而一直)
      • I will have been eating carrots for 2 hours by 3PM tomorrow.
    • simple (時態都沒說明, 一般, 習慣, 預計發生的事實, 十分確定會發生的事情, (jpg))
      • The sun will rise again tomorrow.
    • Or:
      • The bus leaves at 8PM. (預計事實)
      • I am going to eat a carrot. (很快將會)
      • You are to eat a carrot. (生氣命令)
      • I am about to eat a carrot. (很快將會)
  • Present pp vs past simple
    • I have seen a carrot. I know its colour. (我一早就見過蘿蔔,我緊係知咩色)
    • I have gone to Shanghai. (對現在有影響, 我已出發, 你不會找到我; 不能面對面和人說)
    • I saw a carrot. (我以前見過蘿蔔, 事實)
    • I went to Shanghai. (我以前出發, 現在在此)
  • past simple (jpg) vs past continue (gif)

Verb Moods

1. 陳述 Indicative Mood

  • The rabbit ate the carrot.

2. 命令/請求 Imperative Mood

  • Rabbit, eat the carrot!
  • Please, give me a thumbs-up!
  • Be quiet!

3a. 虛擬 Subjunctive Mood (用於條件從句)

  • 早知今日何必當初(後悔)
    • If I had seen the rabbit a few days ago, I would have bitten him.
    • If I had watched this video before, I would have aced my test.
  • 和現在現實相反, 非過去時間
    • If I saw the rabbit now, I would bite him.
    • If I were you, I would give this video a thumbs-up. 所有人稱都用were
  • 和將來現實相反/ 萬一但可能性細, 不用will因不確定
    • If I should see the rabbit tomorrow, I would bite him.
    • If I should meet thee after long years, how should I greet thee?
      • shall -> should/were to (過去式)
      • will -> would (過去式)
      • can -> could (過去式)
      • may -> might (過去式)
  • 條件從句
    • If I see the rabbit now, I will bite him.

3b. 虛擬 Subjunctive Mood (wish可能性細, hope可能性中)

  • 過去願望(後悔)
    • I wish that I had eaten the carrot.
    • I wish that I would have eaten the carrot.
    • I would rather (=wish) that you hadn’t eaten the carrot. 我情願你當時未吃,但你吃了
    • I demanded/suggested/insisted/ordered that you should give me a carrot.
  • 現在願望
    • I wish that I were a rabbit. (賓語從句)
    • I wish you were here! (我希望你現在和我一起)
    • I would rather (=wish) that you didn’t eat the carrot. 你未吃, 希望你現在打後不會吃
    • I demand/suggest/insist/order/important/essential/necessary that you should give me a carrot. (賓語從句)
      • It is suggested that you should eat a carrot. (主語從句) (一早出現demand/suggest/insist/order/important/essential/necessary的主語從句, 從句動詞必用虛擬語氣)
      • The suggestion is that you should eat a carrot. (主語補語從句/表語從句)
    • It is (high) time (早該就這樣做) that you ate a carrot. (定語從句)
  • 將來
    • I wish that I could eat the carrot. 我希望我能夠吃那蘿蔔,我多數不會吃到的了
      • should/would/could/might

Subordinate Clause

~~% 形容詞從句 %~~

1. 形容詞從句 Adjective clause [that, who, whom, whose, which, where, why, when] [限定範圍用]

  • 關係代詞
    • The rabbit is eating a carrot that I bought. [I bought that, 掉後]
    • The teacher who ate a carrot is a rabbit. [The teacher = who, 放前]
    • The teacher whom I saw yesterday is a rabbit. [I saw whom, 掉後]
    • The teacher whose favourite food is carrot is a rabbit. The teacher’s = whose, 放前]
    • The food which the teacher likes is a carrot. [The teacher likes which, 掉後]
    • that vs which
      • 先行詞是唯一 that
        • The rabbit ate the largest carrot that I’ve ever seen.
        • all the rabbits that ate a carrot.
        • the only rabbit that ate a carrot.
        • the first rabbit that ate a carrot.
      • 先行詞是多選一 which
        • The rabbit ate a carrot which I bought. (蘿蔔千萬根, 我買的限定了那一根)
  • 關係副詞 (和關係代詞一樣, 但只是詞類不同)
    • This was the place where the rabbit ate the carrot.
      • 轉為關係代詞: This was the place at which the rabbit ate the carrot.
    • This is the reason why the rabbit ate the carrot.
      • 轉為關係代詞: This is the reason for which the rabbit ate the carrot.
    • That was the day when the rabbit ate the carrot for the first time.
      • 轉為關係代詞: That was the day on which the rabbit ate the carrot for the first time.
  • 限定性
    • The rabbit ate the carrot which was on the table. (蘿蔔千萬根, 桌子上限定了那一根)
  • 非限定性 (用作插入語)
    • The rabbit ate the carrot, which was on the table.
      • The rabbit ate the carrot, the carrot was on the table. (因得一根蘿蔔 相當於兩句句子說一件事)
    • My head, which is big, is useful when it rains.
    • The biggest carrot, which the rabbit ate, was on the table.
    • The rabbit ate the carrot, which was not surprising. (非限定性先行詞可以是整句句子)

~~% 主語從句 (名詞)%~~

  • 確定訊息
    • The fact is obvious.
      • That the rabbit ate a carrot is obvious.
  • 不確定訊息 (whether? where? when? how? who? what?) (連接代詞/連接副詞)
    • Whether the rabbit ate the carrot is obvious.
    • Where the rabbit ate the carrot is obvious.
    • When the rabbit ate the carrot is obvious.
    • How the rabbit ate the carrot is obvious.
    • Who ate the carrot is obvious.
    • What the rabbit ate is obvious.
  • 主語太長, 講太久才知什麼是明顯, 所以 (形式主語IT)
    • It is obvious that the hungry rabbit had already eaten a carrot for dinner this evening.
    • It is a secret that the rabbit ate a carrot.
    • It was discussed that the rabbit ate a carrot.
    • It happened that the rabbit ate a carrot.
    • it is obvious Whether the rabbit ate the carrot.
    • it is obvious Where the rabbit ate the carrot.
    • it is obvious When the rabbit ate the carrot.
    • it is obvious How the rabbit ate the carrot.
    • it is obvious Who the rabbit ate the carrot.
    • it is obvious What the rabbit ate the carrot.

~~% 賓語從句 (名詞)%~~[主句從句tense一致]

  • 確定訊息
    • I saw that the rabbit ate a carrot.
    • I didn’t know that the rabbit ate the carrot and that you saw it.
    • I think that the rabbit is smart.
    • I believe that you will give me some coins.
    • I expect that you will give this video a thumbs-up.
    • I don’t think that the rabbit is smart.
    • I don’t believe that you will give me some coins.
    • I don’t expect that you will give this video a thumbs-up.
    • I knew that the rabbit liked carrots. [就算like習慣, 主句從句tense一致]
    • I knew that the sun rises in the east. [除非不變的事實, 主句從句tense不用一致]
  • 不確定訊息 (whether? where? when? how? who? what?) (連接代詞/連接副詞)
    • I saw Whether the rabbit ate the carrot.
    • I saw Where the rabbit ate the carrot.
    • I saw When the rabbit ate the carrot.
    • I saw How the rabbit ate the carrot.
    • I saw Who ate the carrot.
    • I saw What the rabbit ate.

~~% 主語補語/表語/linking verb/Predicative從句 (名詞)%~~

  • The problem is that the rabbit is hungry.
  • The reason is that there’s no more carrot.
  • The question is whether the rabbit is hungry.
  • The question is what the rabbit should eat.
  • The question is where/when/how the rabbit should eat the carrot.
  • It seems that the rabbit is hungry. (形式主語IT)
  • It feels that you’re not telling the truth. (形式主語IT)

~~% 同位語/Appositive從句 (名詞)%~~[一件物品重複說]

  • My teacher, Papa Rabbit, likes carrots.
  • I like my teacher, Papa Rabbit.
    • 確定訊息
      • The fact that the rabbit ate the carrot did not surprise me.
    • 不確定訊息 (whether? where? when? how? who? what?) (連接代詞/連接副詞)
      • The question whether the rabbit will eat the carrot is on all our minds.
      • I have no idea who ate the carrot.
    • I am sure of the fact that there’s a carrot on the table.

~~% 賓語補語/Complement從句 (名詞)%~~

  • call, make, consider…
  • You can call me Rabbit.
    • You can call me what you like.
  • My education made me smart.
    • My education made me who I am today.

~~% 狀語從句 %~~

1. 時間狀語從句 Adverbial clause of Time [before 之前, when 當/突然, while 過程中, as 一邊/同時進行兩個動作, after 之後, since 自從/開始計起, until 直到/止, as soon as 隨即, the next time 下次]

  • before 之前
    • The rabbit ate a carrot at home before the wolf stopped by.
    • Before the wolf stopped by, the rabbit ate a carrot at home.
  • when 當/突然
    • The rabbit was eating a carrot when I reached home.
    • The rabbit was eating a carrot at home when the wolf stopped by.
    • The rabbit was about to eat a carrot at home when the wolf stopped by.
  • while 過程中
    • The rabbit was eating a carrot while I was making a video.
  • as 一邊/同時進行兩個動作
    • I ate a carrot as I made the video.
  • after 之後
    • The rabbit ate a carrot after the wolf stopped by.
  • since 自從/開始計起 (因從某時段計起,對現在有影響,所以用完成式)
    • The rabbit has shared three carrots since the wolf stopped by.
    • The rabbit has not stopped sharing carrots since the wolf stopped by.
  • until 直到/止
    • The rabbit waited until the wolf stopped by.
    • The rabbit didn’t eat any carrot until the wolf stopped by.
  • as soon as 隨即 = after
    • The rabbit will eat a carrot as soon as the wolf leaves. 狼一走,免即吃蘿蔔
  • the next time 下次
    • The rabbit will share the biggest carrot the next time the wolf stops by. 下次狼來,免便分享

2. 地點狀語從句 Adverbial clause of Place [where 在, wherever 不管哪裡只要, everywhere 他到的所有地方, anywhere 他選的任何某一地方]

  • where 在
    • [地點狀語從句] The rabbit ate the carrot where he found it. 在找到carrot的地方, rabbit吃carrot.
      • [形容詞從句] The rabbit ate the carrot at the place where he found it.
      • [表語從句] This is where he found the carrot.
      • [主語從句] Where he found the carrot is a secret.
  • wherever 不管哪裡只要 (就算情況惡劣, 總之有就去)
    • The rabbit will go wherever he can find a carrot.
  • everywhere 他到的所有地方
    • The rabbit sees a carrot everywhere he goes.
    • [形容詞從句] The rabbit sees a carrot every place where he goes.
  • anywhere 他選的任何某一地方
    • The rabbit can eat a carrot anywhere he likes.
    • [形容詞從句] The rabbit can eat a carrot at any place where he likes.

3. 比較狀語從句 Adverbial clause of Comparison [than, as…as, The more…, the more]

  • than
    • [口語] He is smarter than me.
      • [正式] He is smarter than I am.
    • [口語] This carrot is bigger than that one.
      • [正式] This carrot is bigger than that one is.
    • [口語] She is more beactiful than Snow White.
      • [正式] She is more beactiful than Snow White is.
  • as…as
    • [口語] He is as smart as me.
      • [正式] He is as smart as I am.
    • [口語] This carrot is as big as that one.
      • [正式] This carrot is as big as that one is.
    • [口語] She is as beautiful as Snow White.
      • [正式] She is as beautiful as Snow White is.
  • The more…, the more
    • [正式] The more you practice English, the more fluent you become.
    • [正式] The more coins you give me, the more videos I make.

4. 條件狀語從句 Adverbial clause of Condition [If/Provided that/In case 如果, Unless 除非, As long as 只要]

  • [真實] If the rabbit sees a carrot, he will eat it. [從句因不確定,只能一般式,主明確用will]
    • [虛擬] If I saw a carrot, I would eat it.
    • [虛擬] If I had seen a carrot, I would have eaten it.
  • Unless 除非… 如果不是 (if相反)
    • Unless you like this video, you will not give it a thumbs-up.
  • Provided that 如果
    • Provided that my video is excellent, you will give it a thumbs-up.
  • As long as 只要
    • As long as I make excellent videos, you will remain my follower.
  • In case 如果
    • In case you don’t understand, please comment below.

5. 讓步狀語從句 Adverbial clause of Concession [Even if 假設就算, Although/though/even though剛才就算, No matter/Regardless 不管]

  • [假想] Even if I see a carrot, I will not eat it.
    • 條件狀語從句: If I saw a carrot, I would eat it.
  • [現實] Although/though/even though I see a carrot, I will not eat it.
  • No matter/Regardless 不管
    • No matter what happens, I will not eat the carrot.
    • No matter who orders me, I will not eat the carrot.
    • No matter how hungry I am, I will not eat the carrot.
    • Regardless of what kind of video I make, you will give me a thumbs-up.

6. 方式狀語從句 Adverbial clause of manner [現實情況確定as if 就如剛做了, as 像]

  • [假想] 現實情況確定, as if 就如剛做了 (方式狀語從句)
    • I feel good as if I just ate a carrot.
    • You spend so much money as if you were a millionaire.
      • 形容詞從句: You spend money the way (in which) millionaires do.
  • [假想] 當初如果 當初之後就會
    • If I had eaten a carrot, I would feel good.
  • [假想] 現在如果 現在之後就會
    • If you were a millionaire, you would spend a lot of money.
  • [現實] as 像
    • Eat the carrot as I do.
      • 形容詞從句: Eat the carrot the way (in which) I eat it.
    • Leave the carrot as it is.

7. 原因狀語從句 Adverbial clause of cause [Because 因為(實實在在的因果), Since 因為(眾所周知), As 因為(顯而易見), for(事關你)]


  • Because 因為(實實在在的因果), 從句可在前/後
    • The rabbit ate the carrot because he was hungry.
      • 轉Compound sentence: The rabbit was hungry, so he ate the carrot.
    • Because this video is excellent, you should give it a thumbs-up.
  • Since 因為(眾所周知), 從句只在前
    • Since you are hungry, you can eat the carrot.
    • Since all my videos are excellent, you should give this video a thumbs-up.
  • As 因為(顯而易見), 從句只在前
    • As you were not here, we ate the carrot without you.
    • As I have thick skin, I’m begging you for a thumbs-up.
  • 要點 for(事關你) VS because
    • 因為 (compound sentence!) 推測>推測原因
      • Compound sentence: You mush really like me, for you have given all my videos a thumbs-up.
    • 因為(實實在在的因果)
      • Because you like me, you have given all my videos a thumbs-up.

8. 目的狀語從句 Adverbial clause of purpose [In order that (為了目的), so that(為了目的)]

要達到A目的 < 所以做B事件, 未必是因果

  • In order that (為了目的), 從句用can/could/may/might/should/would體現目的性
    • In order that I could finish the video in time, I pulled an all-nighter.
  • 等於結果狀語從句so that 從句只在後, 從句用can/could/may/might/should/would體現so that目的性
    • I pulled an all-nighter so that I could finish the video in time. 我開夜目的趕進度

9. 結果狀語從句 Adverbial clause of result [so that(導致結果), so+形容詞+that(導致結果), such+名詞+that(導致結果)]


  • so that 從句只在後, 從句表結果
    • I ate a lot of carrots for lunch so that I wasn’t hungry at all in the afternoon.
    • The temperature was low so that the lake froze. 溫度低結果湖結冰,而不是溫度低目的湖結冰
  • so 形容詞 that
    • I ate so many carrots for lunch that I felt sick afterwards.
    • It was so tasty a carrot that I ate it all at once.
  • such 名詞 that
    • It was such a tasty carrot that I ate it all at once.

~~% 非謂語動詞 (non-finite verbs) %~~

  • finite verbs 限定性動詞 被主語限定了tense
    • The rabbit eats a carrot.
    • The rabbit ate a carrot.
    • The rabbit is eating a carrot.
    • The rabbit has eaten a carrot.
  • non-finite verbs 非限定性動詞
    • I like to eat carrots.
    • I liked eating carrots.
    • I am a talking rabbit.
    • The rabbit likes minced carrots.
  • to-infinitive
    • to-infinitive (主語)
      • To eat a carrot every day is good for the rabbit.
        • It is good for the rabbit to eat a carrot every day. (形式主語IT, 躲免頭重腳輕)
        • It is good that the rabbit eats a carrot every day. (主語從句的形式主語IT)
    • to-infinitive (賓語)
      • The rabbit likes to eat carrots.
    • to-infinitive (賓語補語)
      • The rabbit expected the wolf to eat a carrot.
      • I consider it important to eat a carrot every day. (形式主語IT)
      • 使役動詞 see,find,watch,have,make,let…省略to用bare intinitive
        • Carrots make the rabbit feel happy.
        • The wolf helped the rabbit (to) grow carrots.
    • to-infinitive (主語補語)
      • The rabbit’s dream is to eat every kind of carrot in the world.
    • to-infinitive (定語)
      • The rabbit has a lot of carrots to eat.
    • to-infinitive (狀語 表原因)
      • I was surprised to get a thumbs-up. 我很吃驚(因為)得到一個讚
        • I was surprised because I got a thumbs-up. (原因狀語從句)
    • to-infinitive (狀語 表目的)
      • I will do anything to get a thumbs-up. 我將會做任何事為了拿個讚
        • I will do anything in order that I get a thumbs-up. (目的狀語從句)
    • to-infinitive (狀語 表結果)
      • I got enough thumbs-up to make another video. 我有足夠讚去做另一個視頻
        • I got enough thumbs-up, so that I made another video. (結果狀語從句)
    • to-infinitive (Advanced 和狀態相結合)
      • The rabbit seemed to be eating a carrot. 兔子之前似乎在吃蘿蔔中
      • The rabbit will appear to have eaten a carrot. 兔子將會看起來像吃完蘿蔔
      • to have been eating a carrot.
  • gerund
    • gerund (主語)
      • Eating carrots is healthy for the rabbit.
    • gerund (賓語) [e.g. avoid, advise, consider, escape, mind, practice, insist on, give up, feel like, put off…]
      • The rabbit likes eating carrots.
      • gerund (賓語) vs to-infinitive (賓語)
        • The rabbit stopped to eat a carrot. 停止手上的活 再去吃
        • The rabbit stopped eating a carrot. 停止手上的活
        • The wolf forgot to invite the rabbit to her party. 忘記將要做的事
        • The rabbit forget accepting the wolf’s invitation. 忘記之前做過的事
    • gerund (主語補語)
      • The rabbit’s hoppy is growing carrots.
      • Seeing is believing.
    • gerund (定語)
      • a sleeping pill. (a pill for sleeping)
    • gerund (preposition)
      • The rabbit is fond of eating carrots.
      • The rabbit is looking forward to seeing the wolf again.
  • present participle 正在
    • present participle vs gerund
      • a sleeping pill. = a pill for sleeping. (gerund 名詞)
      • a sleeping rabbit. != a rabbit for sleeping. (present participle 形容詞正在)
    • present participle (賓語補語)
      • The wolf saw the rabbit eating a carrot.
      • present participle (賓語補語) vs to-infinitive (賓語補語)
        • The wolf saw the rabbit eating a carrot. (present participle (賓語補語) 正在)
        • The wolf saw the rabbit eat a carrot. (to-infinitive (賓語補語) 整個動作)
    • present participle (狀語(時間,原因,條件,結果,讓步,目的,方式,伴隨))
      • present participle (時間狀語從句)
        • Hearing the news, the rabbit became excited.
          • When he heard the news, the rabbit became excited. (時間狀語從句)
      • present participle (原因狀語從句)
        • Not knowing what to eat, the rabbit skipped lunch.
          • Because he didn’t know what to eat, the rabbit skipped lunch. (原因狀語從句)
  • past participle 形容詞
    • eg
      • The rabbit will eat minced carrot next week.
      • a painted room.
      • an excited rabbit.
      • The carrot cake eaten by the rabbit is delicious.
    • past participle (賓語補語)
      • The rabbit found his carrot stolen.
    • past participle (主語補語)
      • The rabbit is interested in growing carrots.
      • past participle (主語補語) vs present participle (主語補語)
        • The story is interesting. (present participle (主語補語) 故事很有趣)
        • The rabbit is interested. (past participle (主語補語) 兔子感興趣)
        • Seeing from the hill, the carrot field looks beautiful. (present participle (carrot field 只能被看)
        • Seen from the hill, the carrot field looks beautiful. (past participle ( carrot field 只能被看)
        • Seeing the carrot field, the rabbit ran towards it. (present participle (rabbit 主動看)
    • past participle (狀語)
      • past participle (地點狀語)
        • Seen from the hill, the carrot field looks beautiful.
      • past participle (原因狀語)
        • Born in a rabbit family, the rabbit’s only work is growing carrots.
      • past participle (條件狀語)
        • Given another chance, the rabbit would go to the wolf’s party. 如果再有機會,兔子會去party.
  • 獨立主格 [謂語動詞外其他的動詞用past participle/present participle 形成simple sentence: 獨立主格: 狀語中有假主語]
    • past participle (Advanced)
      • The work finished, the rabbit went home. (simple sentence)
        • The work was finished, and/so the rabbit went home. (compound sentence)
        • After the work was finished, the rabbit went home. (complex sentence)
    • present participle (Advanced)
      • The weather permitting, the rabbit will go out. (simple sentence)
        • If the weather permits, the rabbit will go out. (complex sentence)

~~% Passive Voice %~~

  • S+V
    • [主動] The rabbit slept.
    • [被動] ~
  • S+V+O
    • [主動] The rabbit ate the carrot.
    • [被動] The carrot was eaten.
      • [和past participle (主語補語)相似] The rabbit is interested. (兔子感興趣)
  • S + V + direct O+ indirect O
    • [主動] The rabbit gave the carrot to the wolf.
    • [direct O 被動] The carrot was given to the wolf.
    • [indirect O 被動] The wolf was given the carrot.
  • S + V + indirect O + direct O (No to)
    • [主動] The rabbit gave the wolf the carrot. (No to)
    • [indirect O 被動] The carrot was given to the wolf. (to)
  • (S+V+O+O_complement(賓語補語))
    • [主動] The wolf invited the rabbit to her party.
    • [被動] The rabbit was invited to the party.
    • [bare infinitive 主動] The rabbit made the wolf laugh.
    • [bare infinitive 被動] The wolf was made to laugh.
  • (S+V+S_complement(主語補語/ predicative表語))
    • [主動] The rabbit is smart.
    • [被動] ~
  • e.g.
    • [主動] The rabbit has eaten the carrot.
      • [被動] The carrot has been eaten by the rabbit.
      • [被動問句] Has the carrot been eaten by the rabbit?
    • [主動] The rabbit would have eaten the carrot.
      • [被動] The carrot would have been eaten by the rabbit.
      • [被動問句] Would the carrot have been eaten by the rabbit?
    • [主動] The rabbit might eat the carrot.
      • [被動] The carrot might be eaten by the rabbit.
      • [被動] Might the carrot be eaten by the rabbit?

~~% Inversion %~~

  • 完全倒裝句 (謂語動詞>主語)
    • 副詞倒裝
      • 地點副詞倒裝 (here/there)
        • There goes the last bus. (The last bus goes.)
      • 時間副詞倒裝 (now/then)
        • Now comes the wolf’s turn!
      • 運動方向副詞倒裝 (in/out/up/down/away)
        • Up went the carrots into the air. (動作生動更有畫面感)
    • 介詞倒裝
      • At the table sat a rabbit.
    • 主語補語(表語)倒裝
      • 形容詞
      • 分詞
        • Seated on the ground is a group of rabbits.
      • 介詞
      • such
        • Such were the wolf’s tricks. (這就是狼的把戲)
  • 部分倒裝句 (分離助動詞和謂語動詞)
    • 否定
      • Never before have I eaten such a delicious carrot.
    • Only
      • Only in this way can we grow delicious carrots.
      • Only then did the rabbit meet the wolf.
    • if…should…虛擬語氣
      • Should I win the lottery, I would by a huge pile of carrots.
    • 固定句型
      • Rabbits love eating carrots; so do wolves.
  • 形式倒裝句 (只把重點放在句首;謂語動詞不提前)
    • 感嘆句
      • What a delicious carrot it is!
    • The more, the more
      • The more carrots you eat, the healthier you become.
    • however;whatever 引導的讓步狀語從句
      • However long this video is, you should watch it till the end.
    • as; though 引導的讓步狀語從句
      • Much as he likes the carrot, he doesn’t want to eat it.

~~% 獨立主格 %~~

  • noun+present participle [主動][前主語是wolf 後主語是rabbit]
    • The wolf inviting him, the rabbit decided to go to the party. (wolf是主動, 唯有用現在分詞)(因invite是由wolf發出, 所以wolf是邏輯主語(主格))
      • 原句 Because the wolf invited him, the rabbit decided to go to the party.
  • noun+past participle [被動][前主語是rabbit 後主語是rabbit]
    • Invited by the wolf, the rabbit decided to go to the party.
      • 原句 Because he was invited by the wolf, the rabbit decided to go to the party.
  • 條件狀語從句
    • The weather permitting, the rabbit will go out.
      • 原句 If the weather permits, the rabbit will go out.
  • 時間狀語從句
    • The work finished, the rabbit went home.
      • 原句 After the work was finished, the rabbit went home.
  • 兩個動作同時發生
    • The rabbit is lying in bed, a carrot still held in his hand.
      • 原句 The rabbit is lying in bed and a carrot is still held in his hand.
  • none + to-infinitive [將要]
    • The rabbit to come, the wolf is overjoyed.
  • noun+(being)+noun
    • Many animals went to the party, some of them rabbits and wolves.
  • noun+(being)+adj
    • Many animals went to the party, some of them happy.
  • noun+(being)+adv
    • The rabbit sat on a chair, head down.
  • noun+(being)+介詞短語
    • The rabbit came in, carrot in hand.
  • with+賓語+賓語補語
    • The work finished, the rabbit went home. (可省略with)
      • With the work finished, the rabbit went home.
    • The rabbit came in, a carrot in hand. (可省略with 進一步簡化)
      • The rabbit came in, with a carrot in his hand.

~~% Preposition %~~

  • beyond
    • 範圍之外
      • It’s beyond me. 我無法理解
      • It is beyond the things that I can understand. 這是我能理解的範圍之外
  • in
    • 時間
      • in a year 一年內
      • in 2030
      • in winter
      • in the month 一個月內
      • in December
      • in the week 一星期內
      • in the morning
      • in an hour
      • I can eat 10 carrots in 5 minutes 五分鐘內吃十根蘿蔔 (用within避免歧義)
      • I will eat 10 carrots in 5 minutes 現在算起五分鐘後 (用after避免歧義)
      • in time 剛好準時
    • 地方
      • in the country
      • in the city
      • in the back of the bus
      • in the park
      • I’m walking in the street. 我在大街上走
      • in the house
      • in the kitchen.
      • in the room
    • 在狀態中
      • in progress
      • in a dilemma
      • in tears 哭了
      • I found the carrot in good condition.
      • in these situations
      • in general
    • 要點
      • in the sun 在陽光下
      • dressed in white 穿著白衣服
      • Let’s talk in English 用英文
      • There are 60 minutes in an hour.
      • There are 60 seconds in a mintue.
      • There are some birds in the tree. 不屬於樹的
      • I’ll eat a carrot in 2 hours. 由現在算起兩小時內中吃蘿白, past tense用after, 因in是不確定訊息
  • on
    • 時間
      • on that day
      • on Monday
      • on April of 1st
      • on Christmas Day
      • I saw the wolf on the morning of April of 1st.
      • on time 按時
    • 地方
      • on the bus 能站在車上步行
      • There is some trash on the street. 街道表面上
      • on the roof
      • on the floor
      • There is a carrot on the table.
    • 電子設備(online)
      • We talked on the phone.
    • 關於
      • Would you like some advice on learning English?
    • 在狀態中
      • on a diet 在節食
      • on drug 需要一直服用藥
    • 要點
      • Dinner is on me.
      • The burden of paying for dinner is on me. 我付錢
      • There are some apples on the tree. 長在樹上的
  • at
    • 地方
      • Right now I’m at Carrot Street and Apple Street. 兩條街交界
      • at the corner
      • at the shop
      • The bus stopped at the bus station.
    • 時間
      • at sunset
      • at dawn
      • at that moment
      • at noon
      • at 8 o’clock
      • at the end of
    • 數值
      • at (the age of) 6 在六歲時
      • at a high price 一個高的價值點
      • at a fast rate 一個很快的速率點
    • 在狀態中
      • at work 在工作
      • at dinner 在吃晚飯
      • at ease 自在
  • across
    • 表面上穿過
      • go across the street 穿過馬路
      • swim across the river
  • through
    • 從內部穿過
      • walk through the forest
      • go through the tunnel
      • look through the window
    • 通過某方式
      • We succeed through hard work.
  • over
    • 正上方
      • The mother put a blanket over the child. 覆蓋
      • the bridge over the river.
      • the lamp over the table. 上方
      • The plane flew over the mountain.
      • The rabbit climbed over the fence.
      • The rabbit jumped over the table.
    • 時間
      • over two weeks (emphasizes the length of time)
  • under
    • 正下方
      • There is a ball under the desk.
      • under these circumstances
    • 要點
      • under construction 在施工中
      • under discussion 在討論中
  • above
    • 上面(高過上方就可)
      • the sky above us
  • below
    • 下面
      • The rabbit dived below the surface of the water.
  • up
    • 沿向上
      • up the hill
      • up the river
  • down
    • 沿向下
      • walk down the road 沿路走下去
      • roll down the hill
  • onto
    • 到上面
      • The rabbit jumped onto the table.
  • into
    • 到裡面
      • walk into the house 走進房子
  • out of
    • 內出來
      • get out of the car 從車內出來
  • along
    • 沿著順著
      • Walk along this road.
    • 和一起
      • along with
  • to
    • go to school
    • This is the key to the house.
  • toward/towards
    • walk toward home 朝家走
  • by
    • 旁邊
      • There is a hotel by/beside the river.
      • The rabbit sat by/beside/next to the wolf.
    • 時間上不超過
      • by 2 o’clock 在兩點前
      • by tomorrow 在明天之前
      • Please finish your homework by 8PM 強硬
    • 通過某方式/依靠
      • We learn English by watching videos.
      • I go to work by car.
      • by way of
    • 接度量標準
      • They get paid by the hour. 按時出糧
  • near
    • 附近
      • near the hospital
      • There is a school near here.
  • beside
    • 旁邊
      • There is a hotel by/beside the river.
    • 比較
      • My carrot looks bigger beside yours. 我蘿白跟你的放在一起看起來更大
  • besides
    • 除了…還
      • I like many things besides carrots. 除了蘿白我還喜愛其他
  • next to
    • 緊挨著
      • The building next to the school.
  • with
    • 和實體物一起
      • We write with pens.
    • 分不間的原因
      • The rabbit is shaking with cold. 兔子冷得發抖
  • past
    • 經過路過
      • The rabbit walked past the wolf without saying any words.
  • in front of
    • 前方
      • The rabbit is standing in front of the wolf.
  • previous to
    • 之前
  • before
    • 眾人前
      • She played the violin before the crowd.
    • 在時間 相似by 但大約 不強硬
      • Please finish your homework before 8PM.
  • opposite
    • Our school is opposite my house.
  • against
    • 與相反
      • We were rowing against the current.
    • 倚靠
      • The rabbit was leaning against the tree.
  • off
    • 離有一定距離
      • New Zealand lies off the eastern coast of Australia.
  • between
    • 兩兩比較
      • The carrot is between the rabbit and the wolf.
    • 三者以上的兩兩比較
      • You shouldn’t eat between meals. 不該在正餐與正餐之間吃東西
  • among
    • 三者以上之間
      • The rabbit is standing among the carrots.
  • round/around
    • trees round/around the field. 環繞田地之間的樹
    • around the world 全世界
  • except
    • 除了
      • Everyone went to the party except the rabbit.
  • except for
    • 除了+反駁之前 (美中不足)
      • The party is great except for the loud music.
  • about
    • 關於
      • I know something about the rabbit.
      • think about 想到關於什麼事
    • 大約
      • There are about 20 carrots.
    • 針對
      • Let’s do something about the problem.
    • 包裝
      • There’s something dangerous about the wolf. 狼看似好危險
    • 到處
      • Stop running about!
  • during
    • 持續其間
      • during the past 2 days 在過去兩天裡 (focus more on the specific time when an event is taking place)
      • during the past 2 weeks
      • during the past 2 years
  • for
    • 因而持續
      • I’ve been learning English for 2 years. 我持續學習英語兩年時間
    • 由於
      • This rabbit is famous for being able to speak.
    • 以什麼價錢
      • I bought these books for 100 Yuan.
  • from…to…
    • from 9:00 to 10:00
  • between
    • Between 10 and 11 is a good time for me.
  • since
    • 自從
      • since last week
  • until
    • until 8 o’clock
  • before
    • before Monday
    • before 2020
  • after
    • after 2 years 確定訊息
    • I’ll eat a carrot after 2 hours. 確定訊息
    • I returned after two hours. 確定訊息
  • because of + 名詞
    • The rabbit didn’t go out because of the rain.
  • because + 從句
  • due to/owing to/on account of
    • The rabbit didn’t go out due to/owing to/on account of the rain.
  • of
    • 附加的/此外的/和about關於似
      • He thought of something important.
      • think of 只是想起
    • a picture of the carrot
    • a bowl of carrots
    • some of my carrots
    • think of a carrot
    • the 1st of April
    • you of all people
  • Phrasal verbs
    • check out 退房;調查
    • make out 分辨;親吻
    • put out 熄滅;麻煩人
    • pass out 暈倒
    • work out 健身
    • look out 小心
    • knock out 打暈
  • 固定用法
    • for example
    • need for speed 需要
    • long for 渴望
    • ready for 準備
    • at ease 自在
    • in turn 依次
  • 當不同句子成份
    • 主語
      • Between 10 and 11 is a good time for me.
    • 主語補語
      • The meeting is at 2 o’clock.
    • 定語
      • This is the key to the house.
    • 賓語補語
      • I found the carrot in good condition.

~~% OTHER %~~

  • other (adj) 其他的
    • I am smarter than other rabbits.
  • the other (pronoun) 另外剩下(兩個)
    • There are two rabbits in the room. One is white. The other is black.
  • the others (pronoun) 另外剩下 (多個)
    • There are three rabbits in the room. One is white. The others are black.
  • others 泛指別人 = other people
    • I like helping others.
  • another (pronoun/adj) 其餘多個中的其一
    • There are three rabbits in the room. One is white. Another is black. Another is grey.
    • There are ten rabbits in the room. One is white. Another is black. Another is grey.
    • There are ten rabbits in the room. One is white. Another rabbit is black. Another rabbit is grey.
  • each other 兩個互相
    • We love each other.
  • one another 多個互相
    • We love one another.


  • some time (n) 一些/一段時間
    • I have some time now, so I’ll visit the wolf.
    • Some time ago, I visited the wolf.
  • sometime (adv) 某個時間點, 某時候
    • I will visit the wolf sometime.
    • I will visit the wolf sometime this afternoon.
  • sometimes (adv) sometime複數, 某幾個時間點, 有時候, 不只一次
    • Sometimes I visit the wolf.
  • some times 幾次 [many times, a few times, a couple of times 避免混淆]
    • I visited the wolf three times last week.
    • I visited the wolf some times last year.
    • There were some times last week when I had to visit the wolf.

~~% LIE %~~

說謊liePlease don’t lie to me.You’re lying to me.You lied to me yesterday.You have lied to me before.
躺下liePlease don’t lie on the floor.You’re lying on the floor.You lay on the floor yesterday.You have lain on the floor before.
擺放/產卵layDon’t lay the baby on the floor. / lay the table. / lay eggs.layingYou laid the baby on the floor yesterday.You have laid the baby on the floor before.


  • 口氣強調
    • Rabbits like carrots.
    • Rabbits like carrots.
    • Rabbits like carrots.
    • Wow, rabbits like carrots!
    • Oh my god, rabbits like carrots!
    • Bloody hell, rabbits like carrots!
  • 書面強調
    • Rabbits like carrots!!!
    • RABBITS like carrots.
  • 詞彙強調
    • Rabbits really like carrots!
    • I eat very, very, very fast!
    • I missed the very beginning of the movie.
    • This is just unbelievable!
    • All I ever wanted is that carrot.
    • What in the world are you talking about?
  • 重複強調
    • He went on and on and on. 說個不停
    • He walked and walked and walked. 走個不停
  • 助動詞強調
    • Rabbits do like carrots!
  • 代詞強調
    • I can do it myself!
    • I myself went there!
  • 倒裝強調
    • I did not eat a single carrot yesterday.
      • Not a single carrot did I eat yesterday.
    • I have never met a wolf.
      • Never have I met a wolf.
    • You go off!
      • Off you go!
    • The wolf comes (here)!
      • Here comes the wolf!
  • 感嘆句強調
    • The carrot is big!
      • How big the carrot is!
    • You’ve grown a big carrot!
      • What a big carrot you’ve grown!
    • I met a lovely rabbit in the field this morning.
      • How lovely the rabbit I met in the field this morning was!
      • What a lovely rabbit I met in the field this morning!
  • 強調句
    • The rabbit will eat the carrot.
      • It is the rabbit who/that will eat the carrot.
    • I met a lovely rabbit in the field this morning.
      • It was I that/who met a lovely rabbit in the field this morning. [強調主語]
      • It was a lovely rabbit that/who I met in the field this morning. [強調賓語]
      • It was in the field that I met a lovely rabbit this morning. [強調地點狀語]
      • It was this morning that I met a lovely rabbit in the field. [強調時間狀語]
    • You are so careless!
      • It is you who are so careless!

~~% 省略 %~~

  • 獨一無二 (chairman, president, head)
    • The rabbit was appointed the chairman of the Carrotown Committee.
    • The wolf served as the head of our team.
  • 並列關係
    • Both the rabbit and the wolf will be invited to the party.
    • Is this bunny a boy or a girl?
    • He wanted to stay here and to read.
    • The rabbit went home after work, and the rabbit ate a carrot.
    • The rabbit has eaten a carrot, but the wolf hasn’t eaten a carrot.
    • The story made the rabbit happy, but the story made the wolf sad.
    • The rabbit likes carrots and the wolf likes apples.
  • 從句
    • The rabbit will eat the carrot, but I don’t know when he will eat it.
    • When the rabbit was young, the rabbit(he) went to school every day.
    • If it is possible, I’ll be there on time.
    • I can eat more carrots than you can eat carrots.
  • 獨立主格
    • The rabbit came in, with a carrot in his hand.
  • 時間介詞
    • I ate 10 carrots on that day.
  • 做某事
    • I am busy in making videos.
    • There’s no use in crying over spilled milk. 覆水難收

~~% determiners 限定詞%~~

  • 指示代詞 (this carrot, that carrot)
  • 物主代詞 (my carrot, your carrot)
  • 名詞所有格 (the wolf’s carrot, the pig’s carrot)
  • 不定代詞 (every carrot, no carrot)
  • 不定代詞 (many carrots, few carrots)
  • 量詞 (a lot of carrots, a small number of carrots)
  • 基數詞 (two carrots, three carrots)
  • 序數詞 (the second carrot, the third carrot)
  • 前位限定詞: [某些不定代詞;倍數詞;分數詞]
    • half, all
  • 中位限定詞: [冠詞;物主代詞;某些不定代詞]
    • my, her
  • 後位限定詞: [基數詞;序數詞;量詞]
    • last, ten

~~% 嘆詞 %~~

  • 打招呼
    • hello, hi, hey, yo, hiya
  • 驚訝
    • oh, ooh, oh my god!, Jesus! gee, oh my! huh?! wow, gosh, oh, dear, dear me, oh my goodness, oh boy
  • 猶豫
    • hmm, er, uh, um, erm, well, oh well
  • 高興
    • ah! yeah! yay! hooray! aha! alas! Thank god!
  • 感動
    • aww
  • 疼痛
    • ow, ouch
  • 鼓勵
    • yes! congratulations! congrats! bravo! come on (c’mon), attaboy
  • 贊同
    • yes, yep, ok, okay, indeed, cool, bingo, great, excellent, brilliant, fantastic
  • 反對
    • no, nope, no way, nah
  • 確認
    • please? yeah? eh? right?
  • 後悔
    • oops
  • 傷心
    • no, oh no
  • 厭惡
    • eww, ugh
  • 使注意
    • psst
  • 使安靜
    • Sssh
  • 不耐煩
    • oh man, duh, darn, damn, blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda
  • 憤怒
    • Jesus, for god’s sake, jesus christ, shit, fk, what the fk, wtf, what the hell

~~% 使役動詞 %~~

  • make 使 (bare-infinitive)
    • I make the wolf eat carrots from time to time. 我使狼也偶爾吃蘿蔔
    • The carrot made the wolf full. 蘿蔔使狼飽
  • let 讓 (bare-infinitive)
    • I’ll let the wolf eat some chocolate. 我會讓狼吃朱古力
    • Let me out!
  • have 令(給任務) (bare-infinitive)
    • I’ll have the wolf wash the dishes. 我會令狼洗碟
    • I had someone wash my car. (I had my car washed. 可省略someone)
    • I had someone do my nails. (I had my nails done. 可省略someone)
  • have 令(不幸) (bare-infinitive)
    • I had my carrot stolen yesterday.
  • get 鼓勵, 說服(給任務) (to-infinitive)
    • I’ll get the wolf to clean the kitchen after she washes the dishes.
    • I’ll get the wolf to wash my car for free.
    • I got my nails done. (= I had my nails done.)

~~% 主謂一致 %~~

  • 主語 (單數)
    • Time is money.
    • Everyone gets a carrot.
    • Each of them gets a carrot.
    • All the furniture here is expensive.
  • 主語 (眾數)
    • Carrots are delicious.
    • Both of them like carrots.
    • Some of them are afraid of the wolf.
    • The cattle are on the hill. 牛群 (deer,means,series,species)
    • The sheep are eating grass. 羊群 (deer,means,series,species)
  • 主語 (單/)
    • None of them get/gets carrot.
    • Neither of them is/are afraid of the wolf.
    • The young are expected to learn from the old.
    • The new is going to replace the old.
  • 不可數 ()
    • A lot of carrot juice has been sold.
  • 不定式或動名詞 (單)
    • To eat a carrot every day is good for the rabbit.
    • Eating carrots is healthy.
  • 假象主語
    • The rabbit as well as other animals gets a carrot.
    • All the animals except the wolf get the carrots.
  • 整體意思 (單)
    • Ten years is a long time.
    • Two coins isn’t a lot.
    • A knife and fork is needed for eating the carrot.
    • Bread and butter is also needed at dinner.
  • 背後意思
    • All is quiet. (Everything)
    • All are quiet. (People)
    • The rabbit’s family is huge. 家庭 (army, police, audience, team)
    • The rabbit’s family are all at home. 家庭成員 (army, police, audience, team)
  • 就近一致
    • or
    • either…or…
      • Either you or I am going to the party.
    • neither nor
    • not only…but also…
      • Not only the rabbit but also many other animals like carrots.
    • There be
      • There is a carrot and two apples on the table.

~~% 冠词 %~~

  • a
    • 泛指
      • A rabbit is smarter than a wolf. (非一只兔比一只狼聰明)
      • A rabbit is eating a carrot.
      • I gave you a hundred carrots.
      • I want to play a football.
    • 固定搭配
      • have a good time
      • as a result
      • in a hurry 急忙
      • all of a sudden 突然
    • EG
      • a university
      • an hour
  • the
    • 特指
      • I saw a rabbit. The rabbit ran fast.
      • Please give me the carrot.
      • I want to play the football. 那個波
    • 序數
      • the first rabbit
      • the biggest carrot
    • 獨一無二
      • the sun
      • the moon
      • the earth
      • the Great Wall
    • 一類人 (the+adj)
      • the rich
      • the poor
      • The rich should help the poor. 把形容詞化為名詞
    • 固定搭配
      • all the time 一直
      • by the way 順便
      • out of the question 不可能
  • 0
    • 復數泛指
      • Rabbits are smart.
      • Computers have changed our way of life.
      • Water is important.
      • We breathe air.
      • Summers are hot.
      • I like playing piano.
      • I like playing erhu.
    • 泛指概念
      • Summer is hot. Winter is cold. 泛指季, 非一季
      • I want to play football. 泛指足球運動, 非足球
      • I like geography.
      • in spring
      • in August
      • on Monday
      • on National Day
    • 固定搭配
      • from time to time 不時的
      • face to face
      • out of question 毫無疑問

~~% 助動詞 %~~

  • 基本助動詞
    • be 存在
    • do 做
    • have 有
  • 情態助動詞
    • can/could
      • 能夠
        • I can kill a wolf. 我能夠殺死一隻狼
        • I could kill a wolf last year. 我去年能夠殺死一隻狼
      • 可以
        • Can/could I borrow your book? 可以?could是禮貌非過去
      • 可能性
        • Anything can/could happen. (could可能性比can小)
      • 過去虛疑語氣
        • The rabbit could have gone home earlier, but he didn’t finish work on time.
    • may/might
      • 可以
        • May/might I borrow your book? (might比may更禮貌)
      • 可能性 (might<may<could<can)
        • He may be at home. 他可能在家
      • 祝願
        • May you succeed! 祝你成功
    • will/would
      • 願意
        • Will you lend me that book? 你願意借書給我嗎
        • Would you please lend me that book? 請你借書給我好嗎 (委婉表達禮貌)
      • 表推測 (would<will)
        • Ask him. He will/would know. 問他他可能知道
    • shall/should
      • 徵求意見
        • Shall we meet at 9AM? 我們明早見面 好嗎?
      • 警告/命令
        • You shall not pass! 你不許通過
      • 應該
        • We should treat the rabbit well.
      • 表推測 (根據具體情況可能性大)
        • It should rain tomorrow.
      • 竟然 [驚訝憤怒失望]
        • It’s surprising that he should be late.
      • 將來虛疑語氣
        • If it should rain tomorrow, I wouldn’t go.
    • must
      • 必須
        • You must finish your homework first!
      • 禁止
        • You must not (mustn’t) smoke here.
        • 如表達不須要(不能用mustn’t)
          • No, you need not give me a thumbs-up.
          • No, you don’t have to give me a thumbs-up.
      • 表推測
        • The light is on. The rabbit must be at home.
          • 如表達沒可能(不能用mustn’t)
            • The light isn’t on. The rabbit can’t be at home.
    • ought to
      • 應該 (比should語氣更大)
    • dare/dared 敢 (用於否定/疑問)
      • The rabbit dare not tell the truth to the wolf. 免子不敢對狼說出真相
      • How dare you! 大膽
    • need
      • 需要
        • I need your coins.
        • 情態助動詞
          • The rabbit need wait.
          • The rabbit need not wait.
        • 謂語動詞
          • The rabbit needs to wait.
          • The rabbit does not need to wait.
    • used to
      • 曾經和現在作對比
        • The rabbit used to eat apples. Now he only eats carrots.
  • 半助動詞
    • be able to (can/could 只能表達現在及過去能力)
      • 表達過去成功做成
        • I was able to reach school on time because I left home early.
      • 表達現在能力
        • The rabbit is able to eat a carrot.
      • 表達將來能力
        • I’ll be able to reach school on time if I leave right now.
    • be going to
      • 很快要做某事
        • The rabbit is going to eat a carrot.
        • I am going to eat dinner at 6PM today.
    • be about to
      • 馬上做某事
        • The rabbit is about to eat a carrot.
    • be to
      • 被命令
        • You are to finish home work first. (You must finish home work first.)
      • 命中注定
        • I think they’re to fall in love with each other.
    • had better
      • 最好咁做
        • The rabbit had better eat a carrot.
        • You had better follow my orders.

~~% 數詞 %~~

  • thousands of carrots
  • tens of thousands of carrots
  • hundreds of thousands of carrots
  • one third
  • three fifths
  • one fourth
  • three fourths
  • This carrot is half/twice/three times the size of that one.
  • I have half/twice/three times as many carrots as he has.
  • I can eat three times faster than he can.
  • I have increased my income by three times.
  • The river is 1000 meters long.
  • The river is 1000 meters in length.
  • This room is 20 by 35 meters.
  • This room is 700 square meters.

~~% 標點 %~~

  • ,
    • 斷句
      • Let’s eat, rabbit.
      • Well, yes, let’s eat, my dear wolf.
    • 列舉
      • Let’s eat carrots, apples and bananas.
      • Let’s eat carrots, red apples and bananas.
      • Let’s eat carrots, red apples, and bananas.
    • 列舉 or 同位語?
      • I love my parents, the rabbit and the wolf.
      • I love my parents, the rabbit, and the wolf.
    • 引號在後逗號在前/引號在前逗號在後
      • The wolf said to the rabbit, Let’s eat, rabbit.
      • Well, yes, let’s eat, my dear wolf,” the rabbit said.
    • 插入語
      • “Well, yes,” said the rabbit, “let’s eat, my dear wolf.”
      • This carrot, I think, is very tasty!
    • Compound Sentence
      • The rabbit was hungry, and he ate some carrots.
      • The rabbit ate some carrots, but he was still hungry.
    • Complex Sentence
      • The rabbit didn’t eat more carrots, because he was on a diet.
    • 附加疑問句
      • This is a tasty carrot, isn’t it?
  • .
    • 縮寫
      • Mr. Rabbit
      • Dec.
      • 8:30 A.M.
  • ;
    • 並列/連接兩個獨立句子
      • The rabbit likes carrots; the wolf likes apples.
  • :
    • 列舉及介紹之後
      • We have two lunch options: carrots, apples.
    • 引語
      • The rabbit: I want to eat carrots. (The rabbit said, “I want to eat carrots.”)
    • 主標題副標題
      • Carrots: Rabbits’ Favorite Food
    • “之內
      • “Please give this video a thumbs-up,” I always said, “and don’t tell me ‘I’ll do so next time.’
    • 書本名稱
      • Have you read ‘The Little Prince’?
    • 解釋說明
      • You’ve met my best friend – the wolf.
    • 同位語
      • All the animals – the rabbit, the wolf, and their friends – will go to the party.
    • 突然中斷
      • Carrots or apples? Hmm, I don’t – well, I guess I’ll choose carrots.
  • ?/!
    • 猶豫
      • Could you…give this video…a thumbs-up?

~~% 代詞 %~~

  • many 可數
  • much 不可數
  • a few 一些 (可數)
    • a few carrots 一些蘿蔔
  • few 幾乎沒有 (可數)
    • few carrots 幾乎沒有蘿蔔
  • a little 一些 (不可數)
    • a little water 一些水
  • some 用於肯定句
    • The rabbit needs some carrots.
  • any 用於問句否定句
    • Does the rabbit need any carrots?
    • The rabbit doesn’t need any carrots.
  • each 用於兩個
    • each carrot
    • There are many carrots on each side of the street.
  • every 用於三個
    • every carrot
  • either
    • Give the rabbit this or that carrot. Either is good.
    • Either of the carrots is good.
  • neither
    • Don’t give the rabbit this or that carrot. Neither is good.
    • Neither of the carrots is good.

~~% 連詞 %~~

  • compound
    • and
      • The rabbit is smart and cute.
      • The rabbit teaches English and makes videos.
      • Both the rabbit and the wolf like carrots.
    • not only…but also…
      • The rabbit not only teaches English but also makes videos.
      • The rabbit teaches not only English but also German.
      • Not only the rabbit but also his friends are going to the party this evening.
    • neither…nor…
      • The rabbit likes neither apples nor pears.
      • Neither the rabbit nor the wolf likes apples.
      • The rabbit neither ate nor slept yesterday.
    • or
      • What does the rabbit like? Apples or carrots?
      • Either the rabbit or the wolf is going to the party this evening.
      • Hurry up, or/or else/otherwise you’ll be late.
      • Either the rabbit or I am going to the party this evening.
    • but
      • The rabbit cooked some carrots, but he didn’t eat any.
    • yet (but)
      • The rabbit cooked some carrots, yet he didn’t eat any.
      • I haven’t eaten yet, yet I’m not hungry.
    • However
      • The carrots were ready. However, the rabbit was still making videos.
    • Nevertheless (However) 太文就就
      • The carrots were ready. Nevertheless, the rabbit was still making videos.
    • so
      • The rabbit is busy, so he won’t go to the party tonight.
    • Therefore (so) 太文就就
      • The rabbit is busy. Therefore, he won’t go to the party tonight.
    • for
      • The rabbit will skip lunch, for he is busy making a video.
  • complex
    • that
      • That the rabbit ate the carrot was obvious. 主語從句
      • I saw that the rabbit ate the carrot. 賓語從句
      • I don’t know if the rabbit ate the carrot. 賓語從句
      • The fact is that the rabbit ate the carrot. 表語從句
      • The question whether the rabbit will eat the carrot is on all our minds. 同位語從句
    • when while as before after until since where wherever than as if unless although though even though even if while as as if as though because since as in order that so that so so…that… such…that… so…that… so

~~% 形容詞 %~~

  • 前置定語
    • a hungry rabbit
    • a little white rabbit
    • 排位次序
      • 限定詞 a, an, the
      • 主觀特徵 good, beautiful, lovely, handsome
      • 尺寸 big
      • 形狀 round
      • 新舊 new
      • 顏色 black
      • 來源 Chinese
      • 材料 wooden
      • 用途 table
  • 後置定語
    • somebody nice 某個好人
    • anybody absent 不在場的人
    • everything possible 所有可能的事
    • nothing wrong 沒不對的事
  • 形容詞短語 (後置)
    • carrots good for the rabbit
    • The rabbit eager to eat carrots
    • The rabbit busy eating carrots
  • 只做表語
    • The rabbit is alive/asleep/alone
    • The rabbit is ill/well
  • 形容詞組合
    • 形容詞作狀語
      • The rabbit came home, tired and hungry.
    • 形容詞+形容詞
      • a red-hot coal
    • 形容詞+現在分詞
      • a good-looking rabbit
    • 形容詞+過去分詞
      • a new-born baby
    • 副詞+形容詞
      • all-round
    • 副詞+現在分詞
      • hard-working
    • 副詞+過去分詞
      • recently-built
    • 形容詞+名詞 (只可用於人和動物whose)
      • white-haired
      • kind-hearted
    • 數詞+名詞
      • a long-distance call
      • a one-way street
    • 名詞+形容詞
      • a snow-white rabbit
    • 名詞+現在分詞
      • a carrot-eating rabbit
    • 名詞+過去分詞
      • a heart-broken rabbit
  • 愈來愈
    • prettier and prettier
    • more and more beautiful
    • The rabbit is smarter and smarter.
  • 愈…就愈… (假設)
    • The more carrots the rabbit eats, the smarter he will become.
  • 愈…就愈… (過去)
    • The more carrots the rabbit ate, the smarter he will became.
  • 愈…就愈… (省略全靠語境)
    • The more, the better.
  • 最高級限定範圍 (of+範圍)
    • Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?
    • Magic mirror on the wall, who is the second fairest one of all?
  • 最高級限定範圍 (in+地點)
    • Snow White is the most beautiful woman in the would.
  • 最高級=a very
    • The queen is a most beautiful woman.

~~% 副詞 %~~

  • 詞性
    • 修飾動詞
      • This rabbit runs fast.
    • 修飾形容詞
      • This is a very fast rabbit.
      • This carrot is very good.
    • 修飾副詞
      • This rabbit runs very fast.
      • I’m doing very well.
    • 修飾名詞
      • This rabbit here runs very fast.
    • 修飾整句
      • Obviously, his rabbit here runs very fast.
  • 作什麼句子成份
    • 表語
      • The wolf is abroad.
    • 賓語補語
      • Let me in!
  • 要點
    • pretty作形容詞
      • She is a pretty wolf.
    • pretty作副詞
      • This is a pretty smart rabbit. 相當
      • This is a pretty pretty wolf.
      • This is a fairly pretty wolf. 相當
    • large作形容詞
      • This is a large carrot.
    • largely作副詞
      • I largely only eat carrots. 基本上總體上
  • 副詞種類
    • 方式副詞
      • The rabbit runs fast. 跑的方式
    • 程度副詞
      • This is a very fast rabbit.
      • This rabbit runs very fast.
    • 地點副詞
      • The rabbit eats carrots indoors/outdoors.
      • The rabbit eats carrots upstairs/downstairs.
      • Here you can relax and forget about all your troubles.
    • 時間副詞
      • The rabbit ate some carrots yesterday.
      • The rabbit is eating some carrots now.
      • The rabbit will eat some carrots later.
      • The rabbit has already eaten some carrots.
    • 頻率副詞
      • The rabbit eats carrots every day.
      • Sometimes, the rabbit eats carrots.
      • The rabbit usually eats carrots.
      • The rabbit eats carrots three times a day.
    • 疑問副詞
      • How does the rabbit eat carrots?
      • Where does the rabbit eat carrots?
      • When does the rabbit eat carrots?
      • Why does the rabbit eat carrots?
    • 連接副詞
      • How the rabbit eats carrots is interesting.
      • I don’t know where the rabbit eats carrots.
      • That is why the rabbit eats carrots.
    • 關係副詞
      • This was the place where the rabbit ate the carrot.
      • This is the reason why the rabbit ate the carrot.
      • That was the day when the rabbit ate the carrot for the first time.
    • 句子副詞
      • Obviously, his rabbit here runs very fast.

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