Understanding 802.11 Frame Types
- 傳統802.3 Frame

Client associate AP, 然後收接frame都經AP
或client p2p 都靠AP, 用802.11z Direct Link Setup DLS
- 802.11 Frame

※ Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) ※
大家wireless device合作, 不要collision.
- Carrier Sense
- Physical carrier sense (Clear Channel Assessment (CCA))
- Overhear channel + 2nd channel
- 如自己是收方, 便收frame
- Virtual carrier sense
- Duration = whole frame + interframe gap + return ACK
- Client 根據overhear的duration, 來增加自己NAV, network allocation vector. NAV timer倒數到才可開始發frame
- Physical carrier sense (Clear Channel Assessment (CCA))
- Collision Avoidance
- 802.3 因可以測realtime wire, 所以用CSMA/CD (Collision Detection)
- 802.11 用half-dulplex, 防止client transmitting signal 同時又receiving signal, 所以client transmitting detect不到collision, 所以用CSMA/CA (Collision Avoidance)
- Collision Avoidance
- By Backoff timeslot (Random inside contention window)

- Interframe space
- Reduced interframe space (RIFS)
- 最短timer, 用於802.11n大frame之間
- Short interframe space (SIFS)
- Frame同ack之間timer
- Distributed interframe space (DIFS)
- Default standard frame timer
- Extended interframe space (EIFS)
- 最長timer, collision後用, before retransmitted frame.
- Reduced interframe space (RIFS)
- 如Collision Avoidance 做好, 但要retransmition
- Backoff time double
- 802.11 Frame Types
- Management frames
- Beacon – data rate allowed, SSID, per 100ms, per SSID
- Probe – client問AP拿Beacon
- Authentication and deauthentication – Open System authentication (無) or WEP (AP及client對key)
- Association, disassociation, and reassociation(只能SSID) – client 拿 AID, association ID.
- Action – 802.11k可拿neighbor ap list, 802.11v可幫power savings, 802.11y可提client就快更換channel/channel width
- Control frames (only frame header, no data payload)
- Block ACK – acknowledgment of a burst of frame
- PS-Poll (Power Save Poll) – client要慳電mode, 提ap 先buffer frame
- RTS/CTS – reserve a channel, frame有duration
- Data frames
- Management frames
- Client active scan

- Client passive scan

- Client Joins a BSS

- Client leaves a BSS
- Or AID ages out

- Roaming

- Power save mode (default由ap主導)
- TIM 是sleeping client 名單 (buffer unicast frame)
- DTIM 名單 (buffer multicast/broadcast frame)
- 802.11e由client主導power save mode

- Power save mode (U-APSD)
- Unscheduled automatic power save delivery
- QoS